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News: Looking back at 35 years of NUMUS artistic direction

News: Nov 7, 2020



Tonight, at 5pm PST (8pm EST) Kitchener-Waterloo's NUMUS Concerts will be posting a recent panel session:

involving myself in discussion with four of its five other past artistic directors: Jeremy Bell, Jesse Stewart, Glenn Buhr and Kathryn Ladano.  (Anne-Marie Donovan was unable to take part.)


I started NUMUS in 1985, my first experience as an artistic director/music curator, continuing this kind of work afterwards with a 30-year 'career' that complimented and paralleled my work as a composer and as a university professor. NUMUS continued on to become one of Canada's most important new music organizations. It was a fantastic idea for current AD Kathryn Ladano to bring us together for this discussion.


Artistic Direction/Music Curation is complex activity, involving extensive research, artistic 'vision', collaborative skills, leadership skills and sometimes the abiilty to read spreadsheets to keep things reasonable. In music, there is really no training for this kind of work, simply the accumulation of experience and time watching others' successes and failures   I've written on this subject, which you can find on my website here:


I've also written on the early years of NUMUS, with whom I spent 10 years:


It is my hope to spend some time reflecting on my nine years with the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony, fourteen years with Open Ears Festival of Music and Sound (which I founded in 1998), two years with the Perimeter Institute of Theoretical Physics and two years co-directing the Music Gallery with Tim Brady.

Stay tuned! 


Also stay tuned for an announcement of a full evening online how of my work presented by NUMUS in the winter sometime. The work will be a combination of concert capture, instrumental theatre works and video art with pieces dating from 1986 to this year.  Details TBA.


I'm hoping everyone is finding a way to stay healthy and happy in these strange times.

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